John Hex's CreepShow

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John Hex's CreepShow
Horror Rock n Roll


John Hex's CreepShow the deadest band alive, began playing their own brand of Horror Rock n Roll. Gathering a cult following of Pagans Creeps Psychos and Freaks, they have been currently buried in the ground. Regenerating themselves and working on new music that is long over due, and finally they have returned. Animal T. Cannibal and Reverend John Hex and their spookiest addition Ray Ghoul are set to once again terrorize and destroy the world.

Be sure to Creep in Touch with us by clicking on the image next to this or by  going to the offical CreepShow site at:
and also contacting us at, or joining our yahoo group John Hex's CreepShow or finding us on MySpace

Return of the Living CreepShow Promo

Horror Rock n Roll, Horror Rock n Roll, Horror Rock n Roll, Hell Jeah